Environmental concerns have always been up for discussion, but it was largely after Al Gore brought the discussion of global climate change into the mainstream that more people started to take notice. With the rising price of oil, the diminishing availability of fresh water, and the increasing problems with excessive carbon emissions, it’s clear that we all need to take better care of this fragile planet of ours. We only have one planet, after all.
It’s easy to point your finger at massive gas-guzzling SUVs and the giant polluting factories, but “green living” starts right at home. We can all do our part to help the environment and, yes, this applies to our ongoing infatuation with the latest technology too. Even gadget geeks can adjust their lifestyles to better accommodate the needs of the Earth. Below are seven ways that gadget geeks can go green. Are you doing your part?
1.Beware of Vampire Power
Like me, you may have a lot of gadgets and various technology plugged into the wall. In the living room, you may have an HDTV, an Xbox 360, a digital cable box, a Blu-ray player, a home theatre system, and a Nintendo Wii. Over by your desk, you may have a computer tower, an LCD monitor, a multifunction printer, an iPod charging dock, a modem, a wireless router, and a paper shredder. That’s a lot of power.
You’re usually told to turn off your electronics when they are not being used and this is a good way to conserve electricity. However, even when these items are turned off, they are still consuming energy. Known as “vampire power”, this is the phenomenon where you have electronics in standby mode. That takes power and it is my greatest environmental sin.
One of the best things that you can do to minimize these effects is to simply unplug your TV, computer, and so on when they are not going to be used for an extended period of time. A great example of this is when you go to bed at night. That TV isn’t going to watch itself during those eight hours or so. The easiest way to overcome vampire power is to have the majority of your electronics plugged into a surge-protecting power bar. This way, when you unplug the power bar, you effectively unplug everything that is connected to it.
2. Rechargeable Batteries for the Win
Alkalines for the FTL! Gadget geeks typically have a lot of things kicking around that require AA or AAA batteries. These include video game controllers, wireless mice, and digital cameras. You can do Mother Nature a huge favour by investing in a good set of rechargeable NiMH batteries.
This accomplishes several goals. Rechargeable batteries are ultimately better on your budget, because they can be used again and again. This is a lot cheaper than constantly buying new alkalines all the time. In like manner, you are not dumping dangerous chemicals into our landfills. Those alkaline batteries are very bad for the soil and the surrounding wildlife.
If you’d prefer, you can also think about dedicated rechargeable power solutions like the Nyko Energy Pak for the Wii Balance Board. If you’ve got to use batteries, use rechargeable ones.
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3. Alternative Energy Solutions
Continuing with this discussion of smart energy use, you can further minimize your impact on the environment by considering alternative energy sources. Instead of plugging all your electronic goodies into the wall, perhaps you can think about a solution like the Solio Solar Charger shown above.
This handheld device soaks in the power of the sun and then it can be translated to mini-USB power for all sorts of portable electronics, including cell phones, PDAs, digital cameras, MP3 players, and more. I’ve also seen a number of iPhone cases that integrate a solar panel.
Another alternative is the Ecosol Powerstick, though that isn’t quite as green as the Solio Solar Charger.
4. Buying Local, Combining Shipments
Your environmental impact extends far beyond your immediate vicinity. Every time that you pick up a new toy, that new toy had to be manufactured, packaged, and shipped. Seeing how very few of us have manufacturing plants in our backyards, the shipping process is inevitable, so you might as well make it as efficient as possible.
When you buy from a local retail store, there’s a good chance that the store bought your selected product in bulk. Shipping one big box is better for the environment than shipping several small boxes in separate trips.
Yes, you’ll still want to look for deals online, but when you take that route, try to be as efficient as possible as to minimize the impact of transportation. Buy several items at once. Combine your order with your neighbors. This way, you not only save on overall shipping, but you also minimize the carbon footprint left behind by the trains, trucks, and planes that are delivering that stuff to you.
5. Opt for Online E-Billing
Paper billing is so last century. Whether it be the bill for your cell phone, cable TV, or credit card, it’s likely that the company has some sort of e-billing solution in place. Tell them that you no longer require paper invoices and would prefer to receive electronic bills via e-mail. It’s a small step, but it’s a simple one and it can have a substantial impact if we all subscribe to this philosophy. In fact, some companies, like cellphone providers, may be charging you for that paper bill and may offer a discount of a couple dollars if you go the green route.
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6. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle… and Resell!
We’ve all been taught that we should be reducing our waste, reusing what we can, and recycling anything that can be recycled. The same can be said about our overpowering obsessions for modern technology.
Much of the packaging that comes with various electronics can be reused in some fashion. Use that box to store your old notes from college, for example. That same cardboard box can be put into a blue box for recycling, but the contents of the box can be recycled too.
Many jurisdictions have programs in place to reduce e-waste, like discarded laptops and cell phones. These programs will take your old e-junk and break it down into its components. Alternatively, the next time you get a new mobile phone, considering selling your old one to someone else. They get a “new” phone and nothing ends up in the landfill.
Better still, you can donate your old stuff to charity. Children’s charities are always in need of new computers and that kind of thing, even if you think that these computers are outdated.
7. The Car Powered by Compressed Air
Biodiesel? Hybrid technology? Plug-in electrics? Those are so last year! Tata Motors of India and MDI of France have been hard at work on a totally new kind of car for a number of years and it could be the most environmentally-friendly vehicle to date.
Known as the OneCAT, this car runs on compressed air. It doesn’t need any kind of special gas, because regular old compressed air is enough to push those pistons along, propelling the lightweight car at speeds as high as 110km/h. The compressed air tank can be refilled using a standard compressed air generator. A full tank is enough to send the OneCAT along for up to 200 km at a time.
For more information on the OneCAT and other compressed air cars like it, check out the entry on Wikipedia.
Reconciling Our Geeky and Green Interests
Gadget geeks enjoy getting new gadgets. Computer geeks enjoy upgrading their computers. It’s inevitable. At the same time, our technological interests must not infringe too much on the environment, because we really only have one fragile planet and we need to take better care of it. The seven tips and strategies described above are good steps in the right direction, but you should still take a few moments of your life to think about what else you can do.
Walk to the post office instead of driving there. Utilize a reusable tote bag at the grocery store instead of those disposable plastic bags. Install efficient fixtures in your home. Do your part. Be a green geek.
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