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Passive Laptop Cooling Shoot Out – Thermaltake iXoft vs Lapworks Futura

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There are countless reasons why you would consider getting some sort of cooling solution for your notebook computer. If you’re a guy and you plan on having children at some point in your life, you may not want to cook your soldier’s under a smoldering laptop. If you’re a gal, having flaming thighs might not exactly be appealing either. Add to this the performance perks and extended life that you can gain from having a properly cooled laptop, and it is clear that having adequate cooling for your notebook should be one of your top priorities.

To Power or NOT to Power

If you take a peek at your local computer store (or online store), you’ll find that the options are plentiful. On the one hand, there are powered solutions that either plug into a USB port for juice or carry a set of batteries of their own. These are typically equipped with fans that blow cool air into the underside of your notebook, helping to keep the temperature down to a more comfortable level. These don’t do much in terms of keeping your thighs nice and chilled, but they’ll certainly serve up a cooler hard drive and a more efficient computer.

On the other hand, there are non-powered solutions like the two that we are looking at today. Both have their inherent pros and cons, but both come in at a very similar price. Costing about $30 online, the Thermaltake iXoft Cooling Pad and the LapWorks Futura Notebook Stand approach the laptop cooling game in two rather different ways and we’re about to find out which one comes out on top.

Thermaltake iXoft at a Glance

ThermalTake’s iXoft Cooling Pad is pretty plain looking. It looks sort of like a glorified butt pillow (it also works well in that context, but let’s save that conversation for another day), but underneath that unassuming skin is some pretty cool technology, no pun intended. It feels like there are crystals under the surface of the iXoft and what makes them remarkable is that they stay cool on their own, well below room temperature. In this way, they’re somewhat similar to those heating pads that you can buy at the flea market, the ones that heat up when you squish around the gel inside. The difference, of course, is that the iXoft stays cool rather than heats up.

On the underside, there’s a corduroy-like fabric material that helps to grip your pants (or skirt, as the case may be), ensuring that your uber expensive laptop doesn’t go flying off your thighs and onto the unforgiving concrete below. On the top side is a smooth material that feels somewhere between vinyl and plastic, and yes, it has the smell to match. I’m sure the plastic aroma will dissipate after some use, but out of the package, it’ll hit you like a big rig.

Because it is cool to the touch, the iXoft makes for a rather comfortable experience on the part of the user. Place it on your lap and then place your notebook on top. No messy setup. No complications. Just a cool lap and a cool web surfing adventure. Of course, you could also place the iXoft on a desk or table and use it too, but that’s not exactly what this is designed to do.

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The Lapworks Futura Briefly…

Lapworks’ Futura is not cool to the touch. Instead, it is constructed of some semi-rugged plastic that has a slightly grippy texture to it. Through the laptop stand are a series of rubber patches that are designed to hold your laptop in place, preventing some accidental slippage which would otherwise prove to be quite costly. There’s not very much in terms of actual technology here, other than the fact that the LapWorks Futura has a series of “vents” cut into it, allowing air to flow freely. This should help to cool the laptop simply by letting some air circulate on its underside.

What makes the Futura Notebook Stand particularly handy, however, is its dual personality. If you open it completely, it transforms into a sort of tray that you can place your laptop on, and the Futura on to of your lap.

There’s not exactly any room for you to put your mouse, but it does create for some separation between your notebook and your lap. Lapworks is working on an attachment that will allow you mousing joy in the very near future however. You may still experience some heat dissipating from your computer, but it’s certainly better than having your laptop directly on top of your thighs. The other thing that this configuration allows you to do is rest your laptop on your legs without having to squeeze your thighs together to get your laptop to stay put.  This allows you some freedom to wave your cellphone around in one hand and your coffee in the other.

The second form factor that the Futura can take is that of a notebook stand. When folded, there is a kickstand-like piece of plastic in the backside that props the top up. This, of course, is meant for use on a table or desk, elevating the notebook display to a more comfortable level, while at the same time putting the keyboard on an angle for more comfortable typing. This also ensures that some air can flow through the underside of the laptop. Two personalities, two functions, one product.

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Where The ThermalTake iXoft Wins (and Where it Doesn’t…)

It doesn’t get much more portable than this. Because it is fabric-based, you can actually roll the ThermalTake iXoft Cooling Pad and stuff it into a day bag or a backpack. The materials are quite nice, but the initial plastic smell might be a little off-putting. It also makes a rather crunchy noise as you roll it or fold it, but this does not seem to damage the product in any way.

When placed on your lap, the cooling sensation is fantastic, because you don’t feel any heat whatsoever from your laptop (other than through the palm rests on the laptop itself). It’s not the fanciest solution, but it’ll keep your thighs nice and cool.  Another thing that it seems to work well as is a cooling pad for your hind side when you’re sitting for long periods of time. The material inside actually turns cold when heat is applied to it.

On the downside, if your laptop has vents on its underside, the iXoft actually causes a reverse effect because it would effectively block these vents. It will not conduct this heat. It will not act as a heat sink. It actually chokes the exhaust of your notebook and could significantly increase the internal temperature. Not good. If you’ve got side vents, this is less of an issue.

Where the Lapworks Futura is Superior (and Where It Is Inferior)

Although you can’t roll it up, the LapWorks Futura is easily folded up, taking up less room than your laptop. The dual functionality definitely comes in handy, because you can use it on a desk as a stand or in your lap as an intermediary. The separation is usually enough to help prevent burning lap syndrome.

Unfortunately, the part of the Futura that actually touches your lap is not the most comfortable thing around. It’s a series of relatively sharp plastic and it could result in some rather unsightly creases in your pants. The rubber grips doesn’t exactly provide much piece of mind either, so you always worry about having your laptop slide off, especially when in desk stand mode.

ThermalTake iXoft or Lapworks Futura: Who Reigns Supreme?

Although I like the cool sensation provided by the iXoft — which works very well for separating the laptop heat from your body — or for cooling your backside on long flights — it ultimately fails because of the possible vent-blocking that occurs. It may have a tendency to choke out your notebook and this could result in reduced performance and impaired longevity. The Futura, while not being as “cool” in temperature as the iXoft, is more functional, especially since it it so versatile in its placement options. By being vented, it also aids in air circulation, assuming that the solid portions don’t block any exhaust vents.

So it’s pretty clear to us that increased air circulation and longevity for your laptop is far more important than the temperature of your things. With that in mind, it appears that the Lapworks Futura is on top for this round.

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