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Week FOUR of EIGHT - Sponsored by FUTURELOOKS - November 5, 2007 

Week Four means we’re halfway through our Eight Crazy Weeks of Giveaways.  This week, Futurelooks picked out the prizes, but they wouldn’t be possible without the support of our beloved readers.  For Eight Crazy Years, you’ve supported us and we can’t thank you enough!  Let’s check them out…

Apple iPod nano 2 GB Digital Music Player

Eight Crazy Weeks of Giveaways - Week FOUR of EIGHT - Sponsored by Futurelooks 

The iPod needs no introduction as one of the most popular electronic gadgets ever and we’re giving you a chance to win one!  A silver 2 GB iPod nano will go to one of the winners of this week’s contest.

M-Audio Studiophile AV 20 Portable Desktop Speaker System


M-Audio is well known for their professional audio products for musicians so they definitely know a thing or two about sound.  The M-Audio Studiophile AV 20 Portable Desktop Speaker System offers high quality sound in a package that is small enough to take with you. Read about it in our recent review.

Zalman ZM-DS4F Dual Stereo Headphone

Zalman ZM-DS4F Dual Stereo Headphone Review

Zalman is best known for their silent cooling products, but more recently, they’ve jumped into the audio game. The Zalman ZM-DS4F Dual Stereo Headphones feature two drivers in each earpiece to produce high quality sound.  Recently reviewed at Futurelooks, they may not be for the snobbiest audiophile, but they sure as hell blow away any headphone that comes equipped with your portable audio device of choice.

What do you think of the prizes this week?  Are you hot to trot to win some free stuff? Click over to Page Two to find out what you have to do to win it!

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