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COMPUTEX 2008 – Top 10 Booth Babes!

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It’s hot here in Taipei…and I’m not just talking about the weather. While the other guys from Futurelooks were reporting on actual products on the show floor, I was given the monumentally difficult task of snapping pictures of pretty girls all day long. In fact, I snapped over 168 booth babe pictures. Hey, it’s a tough job but someone has to do it.  So without further adieu, I give you the top ten booth babes of COMPUTEX 2008 and what makes them our hotties of choice!

10. From Some Company…blah blah…droolz…

This girl was the only one on the show floor that actually posed with something other than the generic “hold up the product and smile!”  However, as a result, I have absolutely no clue what company she represented but the saucy Maxim willing to do anything look will squeak her into the top 10.

9. Transcend

While #10 had no interest in whatever her booth was selling, these girls were the ideal product hawkers and were very Kate Moss…in more ways than one. Very pretty but almost disappeared behind their tablets.  I thought the fashion world was moving away from size 0 models? Since COMPUTEX is wall to wall Asian booth babes, it was nice to see some variety as well.

8. Asus

The first of two in our Top 10 from the ASUS Eee PC 901/1000 launch press conference.  Doesn’t she look a lot like Alysson Hannigan of How I Met Your Mother/Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Or better known as the nymphomaniac band geek from “American Pie”.

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7. Shuttle/nVidia

There is some really questionable dancing at many of the dance performances that happen all day long.  Quite often it is a poor mish-mash of the macarena and para-para. It’s even worse when they try to sing along in broken “Engrish“. However, these two were some of the very few that could seriously shake it like Polaroid pictures.

6. The Choiix Infomercial Babe

She was the first booth babe I encountered at COMPUTEX, showing products of for brand new laptop accessory startup, Choiix, at 9am on a Tuesday morning.  She refused to let Michael Kwan and I leave without taking a picture with her.  We literally had no “CHOIIX” (yes, that is how it is pronounced). No, there’s no way that’s getting published…since we look…well, less attractive standing next to her.

5. Asus

Girls wearing headphones are HOT. ASUS should have all their babes in headphones. Need I say more?

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4. Vishay

One of the few booth babes that wasn’t plastered with logos.  That and her corset could barely contain…well, there’s no way to say this without moving this article past PG and straight into NC-17 status. You don’t see many of those in Asia!

3. AMD

How can you resist that smile? So cute, I just want to do…umm…stuff…

2. Asus

Asus really outdid themselves this year, taking up three spots in the Top 10.  She was probably the most professional model there this year and one of the best in show. I don’t know about you but I’m more inclined to purchase an Eee PC now.

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1. Apogee

There’s nothing like girls that know how to game.  After watching their dancing performance about 10 minutes earlier, I came across this booth babe glued to a machine kicking ass at Portal.  Any girl that can beat my time in one of the greatest games ever produced deserves to take the top spot.

Speaking of Gaming Booth Babes, Yes They Can, and No They Are Not!

I have to note that the ladies of PMS Clan are not mere booth babes but badass gamer chicks.  I know this first hand because they handed my my ass…twice.  I don’t know how on earth they convinced me to go through that humiliation twice. They even took over my game and tried to get me a few frags so I didn’t look so pwned. Emasculated, but at least I got the shot!

Honorable Mentions?

There were a large number of booth babes at this year’s COMPUTEX 2008, but there can only be a top 10 because, well, we’re picky that way. However, Futurelooks is famous for their booth babe galleries and this year, we’re treating you to over 100+ of the finest booth babes at this year’s show. To access our special gallery, please click the lovely picture above for the full meal deal of over 168 booth babe pictures from the show. Please do check out our continuing product coverage though in between sessions. Enjoy!

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