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CES 2015 Coverage – Seagate Shows Ultra-Thin SEVEN, LaCie Rugged RAID, and Mirror USB Hard Drives (Video)


Seagate was once again showing off some new products for CES 2015. This year is a little special because 2015 marks the company’s 35th anniversary. In celebration of that, the company launched a new “evolution” of their branding (instead of calling it a re-branding), and launched a product that is a result of all the technology the company has accumulated over the last 35 years. The SEVEN is the thinnest USB external hard drive on the market, and we get to check that out, along with products from their LaCie division, which include their new Rugged RAID and Mirror products. Check out the video for everything you need to know…

For those that want to skip around, check out the time codes below. If you have any problems watching the video, you can also view it on our YouTube Channel. (originally posted on Jan 17, 2015)


00:26 – In celebration of 35 years in business, Seagate launches their new SEVEN USB 3.0 hard drive, which measures, you guest it, no more than 7mm in height. The drive sports a 500GB drive inside, running at 5400RPM. When asked why they didn’t bump up the performance to 7200RPM, the response was “because aerial density”. We know that bumping up the RPM helps a lot, but because of the way the product is marketed, as a premium statement product, rather than a performance product, this small point can be forgiven. The drive will retail for $99 US, and is currently available for pre-order at most retailers.

02:16 – At Seagate’s LaCie division, the company continues with updates to their Rugged series. The new Rugged RAID sports two 2TB drives inside an enclosure not much bigger than its original Rugged drive. The Rugged RAID sports a hardware controller onboard which allows for RAID 0 and RAID 1 support, and is mainly used for video back up or for photography. The drive features both Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 connectivity, and features a built in Thunderbolt cable, along with a cover, that can be replaced, to increased water resistance. It’ll retail for $449 US and will be available in the coming weeks.


04:49 – Every year at CES, the LaCie division has to top themselves, with a premium product, that might not be practical, but it’ll be for sure pretty. This year, LaCie unveils the Mirror, which is a 1TB 5400RPM drive, encased in a hand polished mirror casing, with an aluminum skeleton, and sits on a stained wooden stand. The mirrors are protected using Corning Gorilla Glass, and the pitch of the reflection is tuned to reflect off to the side, so it doesn’t distract you while you’re working near it. It supports USB 3.0 and the unboxing experience is one of the highlights of the $279 US price tag. It’ll also be available in the coming weeks.

See all our CES 2015 Video Coverage…

For a recap of all that came from CES 2015, make sure you click here. For more photos from our visit with Seagate and LaCie, check out the gallery below.

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