It's a term that's been thrown around a lot in recent years: the post-PC era. The market has seen a slow decline for higher end desktop computers in p... Continued
Over the course of the last few years, we have watched the PC market shipment numbers drop every quarter. This is mostly due to the large number o... Continued
Recently some posts have appeared on Reddit claiming that screenshots show Origin collects information well beyond its EULA. These claims are bein... Continued
It is no secret that many people did not take to the drastic design changes brought on by Windows 8. We personally think those people were overreact... Continued
Readers of Futurelooks typically enjoying tinkering with their computers. As a member of the PC DIY community, you may have built your own PC, swa... Continued
The "king of the mountain" for AMD's FX Series processors is the FX-9590 Vishera based chip. This is mainly due to AMD virtually threw TDP out the... Continued
Smartphone apps existed before Apple decided to launch the App Store for the iPhone, but they created a unified marketplace to get your apps. Prio... Continued
You might remember a few years ago when we highlighted the Laplink PCmover Ultimate software in a quick video tutorial and overview. This software... Continued
Try as you might with all your overclocking, your extra cores and your multiple gigabytes of RAM, but there are just some things that the human br... Continued
There's no denying that the new Mac Pro from Apple is quite the looker. The cylindrical shape is certainly unique and there are a lot of things to... Continued
Earlier this month, we said our final goodbyes to Windows XP and welcomed Windows 8.1 Update 1 with open arms. However, it still looks like one of... Continued
It wouldn't be fair to say that we hardly knew thee. For my part, I skipped Windows Vista altogether, making the leap directly from Windows XP to ... Continued